

Five kinds of food to eat the destruction of your good figure

Know why you always in UGG Classic Short Boots weight loss but unrewarding? Think of your daily diet includes what good figure's death? The following severe food affect our good figure, MM people will notice. First: the chocolate cookies Eat every day, 302cal heat, June 14 kg weight one year Do you know exactly what that chocolate cookies? The answer is: a lot of sugar and a lot of fat. If you use every afternoon, chocolate cookies to satisfy the desire, need only greediness half time, will be fatter if you continue to 7 kilograms, one year, will have 14 kilogram of meat with you together. Delicious food of high quantity of heat is behind the trap waiting for UGG Classic Tall Boots you, and high oil and food high in sugar will let people rapidly aging. Suggestion: want antioxidant effect, and from the chocolate has polyphenols, drink a bit lower than the heat green tea. Second: a bar of chocolate One day, the quantity of heat 280cal about a year, 13 kilograms fat A chocolate bar quantity of heat is equivalent to a half of the meal. If your life, not from the aromatic chocolate, containing the caramel and peanuts taste of beauty, suggest you had better keep accounting weight of Numbers, everyday eat such high-calorie snacks not fat is hard. In addition, the bar of chocolate contained in the high sugar, or accompliceof oxidation, also can let you accelerated aging. Suggestion: if not UGG Classic Short Metallic Boots quit eating bars every word, every time is best to balance for half an hour, jogging off the little chocolate bars of heat. Third: canned fruit juice A drink a day tank, heat, 500ml 255cal weight one year 12 kilograms Using fruit juice instead of fruit and not getting enough of the minerals and vitamins, because the fruit juice in the process, it has many minerals and vitamins. And with only itamin C, will decrease because of the factors of light. If you look carefully labeled on the canned fruit juice, can be found, and most of them are concentrated reduction, and also added a lot of sugar. So, if you think drinking juice is a nutrition and everyday in the juice jar, high in sugar will let you in one year after 12 kg weight increased. Suggestion: in UGG Classic Tall Metallic Boots 5812 order to shape, but also for health reasons, eat fresh vegetable and fruit, absolutely is to maintain the body. Fourth: normal coke A drink a day 375ml pot, heat 168cal, one fat 8 kg Many people also formed the habit of drinking coke day, because the coke caffeine and special formula, easy addictive. Although there has been a low card, but there are still many coke who cannot meet the special flavor for sugar. If you cannot have the best, so no one coke do more exercise to consume excess heat. For a day, can let your tank in a later fat 8 kg. It is more terrible, drink coke will not only make you feel full, coke tastes of still can let you eat more food. Don't just cola, other soda, SARS, drink less also. Suggestion: if really UGG Classic Short Patent Paisley Boots can't abandon cola, best choice for use of low card cola. Fifth: beer A drink a day 375ml pot, heat 147cal, year 7 kilograms fat In the hot summer weather, under the cold beer, lavage is enjoyable. Friends dinner or singing, beer is necessary for drinking. However, one day only drink a beer, but for one year after 7 kilograms of weight. This is also why beer will have the address, and liquid bread often drink beer will change a heavy beer belly. Beer in addition to almost heat does not contain any nutrients, so in addition to let you get on health, without any help. If you want to taste the liquor, beer better tasted, don't get into the habit of drinking beer every day at bedtime, don't drink beer, because the beer is drunk before sleeping, diuresis effect of water will cause massive buildup in the body, also can cause urinary frequency of the night. Suggestion: the use of beer. After the heat of beer and alcohol are not complete, the evaporation of the fragrance, can UGG Classic Tall Patent Paisley Boots add dishes also can avoid alcohol brings high heat load.
Par fyx5201 le samedi 21 août 2010


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