

Indoor and outdoor is dry, Popsicle green bean soup is high temperature allowance?


And part of the same work in high temperature, but cannot determine whether should get "subsidy".

At present, China's national high temperature operation can refer to 1960 regulations issued on July 1, the heat-prevention provisional measures. The "provisional" 50 years of high temperature, homework and summer outdoor assignments, only the "appropriate" and "labor rest system should supply enough fulfills the health requirements of the law. Drink" But, some new types of complex work, but it's hard to find the corresponding classified.

At 2:40 p.m. --

Such a residential area, running up and down the air-conditioning maintenance workers clearly hung big sweat, pale blue overalls embroidery on a famous domestic appliances brand logo:

"What?????????? No, not subsidies, heat-prevention fee also have no, never said. Outdoor air conditioning and refrigeration in indoor? And? Isn't this the bonnet! We are often in the outside?"

4 in the afternoon -- -

Prepare a nearby house agency employees with a XuLiMing just watching the guest room to store, the air conditioning make him suddenly a:

"Now I have one, either in the basic outside, or send propaganda pages with guest house where possible. We what heat-prevention fee? Headquarters office management can have! Yesterday manager please ice cream, our high subsidies?"

6 p.m. --

LiuYunYun just off. The beautiful girl in a home appliance sells do not want to sell summer promotion, wearing short skirt and high-heeled shoes, but in front of the inflatable arch dancing:

"I must be high temperature outdoor job! But this promotion is according to the days of the settlement, I one day more than 200, ok! Wasn't the regular employees, which could have sent the good welfare? Mineral water is my own money to buy!"



Par fyx5201 le dimanche 08 août 2010


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