

This shouldn't give your child stand rule?

As children grow day by day, children need to understand the world around them, they need someone to rule of their expectation, They

and others along; The one thing they can do what they do, if have overslept, what will happen, They need some methods to measure

their growing skills and abilities. Children learn "in the process of discovery" plays an extremely important role. However, if the parents

of the signal is not clear, parents to teach your child is very easy. Custom to children's growth, not only plays the constraint function,

more can make children get security.

First, give the child stand rule, signal to clear. For example, the yellow light, it means that you can stop, also can keep. Who is active

stop? I had just told her daughter, "I'm going to be late, you must hurry up?" How fast? What is the fast? And not to express her, Set

rules, need to clearly tell the children, to do so, I think the best the consequences of the consequences of interests with children.

Second, to others.hold, don't give children label. If we adults said "you from be born to my trouble" can make oneself and bad child

openly with, and despair. "Since I was born, I also can do, what should change?" So don't put something bigger.

Third, punish must promptly. Children's long-term memory is poorer. Eat slowly in the morning it until the evening, she might have

forgotten. Mother is actually need not say, The punishment for children to feasible. If the parents of children is a unrealistic "threat", this

threat to children didn't warn function, The best time to set rules to children don't obey the rules of the consequences clearly tell her. For

example, children, my mother a meal time will tell her up 30 minutes after eating away, otherwise. Eat, can remind her again, how long

will it be told. Still can add some additional conditions, such as time, to eat bonus. Don't eat, cancel on some discount.

Fourth, give the child, must establish rules is easy, let the child to observe. Children's understanding ability not so deep, self-control

ability is not strong, very complex, difficult to let her observe rather, it will let her confused, The reason to explain, rather than simply

rudely command, more children don't power descriptions, "you listen to me! I say!" Don't think that little child, what they don't

understand. You may speak truth she can't fully understand, but your gentle tone and respect her attitude, but will make her trust your

judgment, obey your requirements. Really complicated or speak not understand the truth, should tell the children amiably, "this is the

regulation" or "it is our house rules", "everyone must abide by the".

Fifth, sets of rules, regardless of time, place, such as home to comply with no spitting, outside also allowed. Rather than it is today,

tomorrow like that, at home, a set of outside. This will only let children confused and disoriented. All the rules are not made for children,

but parents will strictly observe, an example. For example, let the child to eat, parents must rule on the table manners, not picky, don't

waste. Let your children, parents is polite to all people - including his children and all the other children - use civilization terminology.




Par fyx5201 le mercredi 04 août 2010


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