

Pakistan airliner crashed allegedly killed 152 people mountain to fly low

Local time, 28, a passenger plane carrying 152 people in for landing in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, crashed near a mountain, on-board and almost fell to pieces. Passenger Witnesses say the plane flew into airbus 321 too.
For landing

A plane crashed aircraft flight number for the airbus 321 ED202 for aircraft, the local time in the morning at 7:45 points, from the port city of Karachi aircraft take-off, according to the plan, and should be around 9:45 p.m. landing at the destination, capital Islamabad.

But the plane did not follow the scheduled time landing. Soon after, the news of the plane crash. Pakistan's aviation administration says, in preparation for landing aircraft crashed.

It was near Islamabad, weather conditions, and airspace is thicker, and clouds and rain.

The plane belonging to Pakistan blue airlines. The company spokesperson, pull hill said to the media, ahmed has 146 passengers on board, and six crew members, in a place not far from Islamabad hills in the crash.

Blue airlines is a private airlines. The company spokesperson said, for most of the passenger flights Pakistanis. U.S. ambassador to balak, killing two embassy said U.S. citizens. Currently has confirmed that the plane crash without Chinese citizens.

Pakistan's interior minister malik rose, at least initially foreign revealed that five people and signs of life. But then he called on us, 152 people have onboard.

DaHuang airliner crashed before

Many witnesses to the media in the crash, said before the plane flies is very low. One of the witnesses said the dove's tower, crash happens, he is right near the crash site. He said he saw flight attitude very instability, "then we see it fell, then heard explosions." Local media reporter Raman said, "I see from the roof of my plane skim over the side of the mountain, and I was wondering how the airliner flew so low. 3 to 4 minutes, I hear explosions." the deep Ha Tim hussein is one witness. He said: "when it is raining. I happened to see the plane flew special low, from my window like flying past."

Aircraft completely destroyed

After the crash, sending a 15-day immediately to rescue and medical field, the special forces can rescue out. Television pictures showed rescue helicopter crashed, in most airspace, and the mountains are smoke. Airliner fuselage part has been burned beyond recognition, many metal debris near mountain, many still hanging on the branch. Many trees are broken, and burst into flames.

Pakistani media reporters on the scene, reports, debris was destroyed completely in large area. Some pieces in combustion.

Rescuers reach anwar said, the chaos of the body, the passengers are incomplete. "We saw a body, the scene very terror pieces of mountains. We made careful search, no survivors.

The Pakistani government, the country will be announced on 28 for this disaster victims mourning day. (ZhangLe)

S agent for

Heavy fog may cause disaster

The reasons of aircraft, but there is speculation that may be heavy rain and fog caused the tragedy.

Ba aviation officials said to the media, probably because of the bad weather. The above the clouds, Islamabad very thick, xiao yu. Blue airlines plane crash spokesman, only eight years age, and has never happened before any technical fault. Before the plane is going to crash into the ground, the pilot had issued without any emergency or distress signal. But balaam airline pilots association officials argue that Laura passenger may because of drift crash.

At present, the black has found. Palestinian officials said, find out the cause of the accident need months time.

Airbus said, they will be responsible for investigating the plane accidents related departments to provide technical assistance in Pakistan. It ended when it crashed, the cumulative airliner flying 34000 hours. (ZhangLe)

S witness

Rescuers straightening vomiting

According to xinhua, hang a helicopter roaring with body bag over that hill's gallas was burnt wood. White smoke and flames, the weaker gradually filled the air Hu body odor of the focal plane, a sudden rain fall in Islamabad, everlasting sorrow.

William hill's zoo manager said they saw earlier in the plane crashed near the low flying across the treetops, look, the body in an effort to fly higher several times, but failed. Then went north fly planes fly, but not a higher top, against the cliff after the crash.

Because of the mountain road leads to there, not near the edge, many rescuers had to cut down the trees and the muddy hillside.

Reporter in the road accident to see some of the return of rescuers shoes, clothes, hair is covered with mud. Torrential rain and fog diffuse mountain is seriously affected the rescue.

Returns a rescuers said, realizing the bodies are everywhere, "horrible pieces. Some rescuers came down from the mountain, walked side vomiting, Some said in the faint.

S a miracle

A passenger plane escaped the miracle

Iraq, the darfur posad works in a bank, weekly on "blue air" company flight to Islamabad. He meant to take the flight, but at the last moment changed my mind.

"I know, there are many mountains near landing site, often have lightning. Weather report this morning, there will be a heavy rain," he told CNN, "I bought a ticket, boarding, will be confirmed. However, I decided not to sit at 6 o 'clock, because of the bad weather.

Airline personnel then call to ask. Kathy said: "I tell them, I'm very sorry. I didn't cancel booking. Because of the rain, I decided not to take this flight."

"I'm still thinking very wood, wood. I think this is life."
Par fyx5201 le jeudi 29 juillet 2010


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